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Welcome to Grandad's Photograph Album.

This website is a repository for the photographs of my grandfather, C.P. Finn. If you wish to see biographical information about him, please go to the About page, where a copy of his Obituary can also be read.

The Galleries contain scanned photographs and magic lantern slides, mostly taken around the turn of the 19th/20th century. The subject matter varies. Some were taken in Britain, some in Ireland, some in the Canary Islands and yet others are scientific or engineering images. The quality is also extremely variable; some are pristine whilst others are very badly damaged. For this reason, some of the images have been edited using image manipulation software.

Many of them are unidentified, so any help in pinpointing locations/subject matter would be welcome, via the Contact page, as would any photographs of the locations as they are today.

Terms of Use

This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.

If you wish to use any of these images, please feel free to take copies, providing that you do not alter them in any way and that it is not for commercial purposes or use on a commercial website.

Please do not leech images.

If you wish to use a photograph commercially, or require a higher resolution copy for any reason, please email me using the Contact page and I will, if possible, assist.

C.P. Finn c.1905
© Grandad's Photograph Album